Oppenheimer directed by Christopher Nolan, involves Cillian Murphy as the main character. This film promises a cinematic experience that can make moviegoers feel satisfied.
This film is a biopic of J. Robert Oppenheimer, creator of the world's first atomic bomb, which was later used to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II.
So, this film is adapted from a true story recorded in history. Even so, recently, some fans realized the mistake in Oppenheimer's film so that it did not match history.
However, users of this Twitter account are disturbed by the fact that one of the scenes in this film is set in 1945. The scene shows several people holding the United States flag with 50 stars in the upper left corner.
The existence of the United States flag with 50 stars is also considered inaccurate with actual history.
For your information, the stars on the flag represent the number of states in the United States, such as New York. In 1945, the United States only had 48 states, so the flag on that scene should only have 48 stars.
The flag of the United States of America only had 50 stars in 1960. This was after Alaska and Hawaii were incorporated as states of the United States in 1959 and 1960.
Unfortunately, until now, Christopher Nolan nor Oppenheimer's production team have not confirmed this mistake.
Unfortunately, until now, Christopher Nolan nor Oppenheimer\'s production team have not confirmed this mistake.
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Editor Denny Marhendri Yuniarta
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