7 Fun Facts About Animals in Space: Enjoy The Astronomical Adventures

7 Fun Facts About Animals in Space: Enjoy The Astronomical Adventures

Outer space, with its endless mysteries and challenges.

Outer space has long been a realm of exploration for humans. But before astronauts launched on their cosmic journeys, animals were the pioneers. It ventured into the great beyond to test the conditions and surface the way for human spaceflight. It ranges from fruit flies to brave dogs and curious monkeys. Here are seven fun facts about animals that embarked on extraordinary journeys into the universe.

1. The First Space Travellers<br>

1. The First Space Travellers

In 1947, the world saw its first animal astronauts when a group of fruit flies arrived. These insects were sent into space aboard a Nazi V-2 rocket. These brave fruit flies reached an altitude of 68 miles before safely descending with the help of parachutes. The aim? To study the effects of radiation exposure at high altitudes.

2. Monkeys and Apes in Space<br>

2. Monkeys and Apes in Space

Monkeys and apes have been famous space travelers. There are 32 of these intelligent animals having ventured beyond Earth's atmosphere. Among the cosmic primate explorers were Rhesus macaques, pig-tailed monkeys, cynomolgus monkeys, squirrel-tailed monkeys, and even chimpanzees.

1957, Russian space dog

3. Laika, the First Mammal in Orbit

3. Laika, the First Mammal in Orbit

The first mammal to orbit our planet was Laika, a brave Russian dog. Laika's historic journey took place in 1957. This dog marks a significant milestone in space exploration. Tragically, no plans were made for her return, and she died during re-entry to Earth.


On November 3rd, 1957, Sputnik-2 became the second spacecraft launched into Earth orbit. It is the first to carry a living animal, a dog named Laika. Laika died a few hours later from overheating and stress. It was announced that the dog died six days after launch.
Photo: flickr/Mr.YuriGagarin

4. Sacrifices for Science

4. Sacrifices for Science

The early days of animal space missions were full of risks. About two-thirds of the monkeys launched in the 1940s and 1950s did not survive their missions or died soon after landing. These animal pioneers played a vital role in understanding the dangers and chances of space travel.

5. Belka and Strelka's Triumph<br>

5. Belka and Strelka's Triumph

In 1960, Belka and Strelka, two heroic dogs, became the first animals to return from space alive.

Strelka later gave birth to six puppies.
One of the puppies found an unexpected home with President John F. Kennedy. It symbolizes the bond between space exploration and diplomacy.

Fun Facts About Animals in Space

7. Ham the Chimp's Triumph<br>

7. Ham the Chimp's Triumph

One of the most celebrated animal astronauts was Ham the Chimp. On January 31, 1961, he flew aboard a Mercury capsule and survived the sub-orbital journey.

Ham's historic flight opened the way for Alan Shepard's innovative mission. It made him the first American human in space just three months later.<br><br>

Ham's historic flight opened the way for Alan Shepard's innovative mission. It made him the first American human in space just three months later.

These beautiful stories of animal astronauts remind us of their vital role. They are essential to shaping our understanding of space exploration. These pioneers, though small in size, made monumental contributions to the field of space science and the grand effort of exploring the cosmos. Their bravery inspires scientists and space fans as we take our starry journeys.

These beautiful stories of animal astronauts remind us of their vital role. They are essential to shaping our understanding of space exploration. These pioneers, though small in size, made monumental contributions to the field of space science and the grand effort of exploring the cosmos. Their bravery inspires scientists and space fans as we take our starry journeys.

These beautiful stories of animal astronauts remind us of their vital role. They are essential to shaping our understanding of space exploration. These pioneers, though small in size, made monumental contributions to the field of space science and the grand effort of exploring the cosmos. Their bravery inspires scientists and space fans as we take our starry journeys.

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Kurnia Azizah

Editor Kurnia Azizah

Before astronauts launched on their cosmic journeys, animals were the pioneers.
