Casey Rieger, a prominent Los Angeles-based content creator and producer, recently unveiled a clever life hack involving a ketchup bottle that went viral online.
"Okay, I saw someone do this on TikTok, and I thought it was genius. So I'm going to try it," she says.
"You know when you want the last bit of ketchup and you've just done it most people smack it into the palm of their hand."
Rieger continued while smacking the mouth of the closed bottle into his open hand.
She holds the ketchup bottle from the bottom and rotates her left arm in a counterclockwise motion seven times.
The centrifugal force pushes the ketchup downward, making it easier to remove.
"Very cool, right? Isn't it cool?" ahe asked her followers.
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Editor Denny Marhendri Yuniarta
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